Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Update on Kenny!

So Kenny went back to the heart doctor last week and they basically told him that he has to live with with heart problem for the rest of his life, However long that may be. The procedure that they did to fix his heart, only fixed one of the problems. But the Atrial Fibrillation is much harder to fix and has a higher risk of a major complication or death. So he has to be on medication for the rest of his life. He had to bring a heart monitor home that day to wear for 24 hours so they can see what his heart was doing while he slept. Well in the middle of the night in his sleep, he pulled it off. He didnt realize it because he was still sleeping. When he woke up, he reattached it, and called the nurse to tell her what happened. She said they like it to be on for 24 hours, but if he couldnt handle it anymore, he could bring it in. so he did. Later she called and said that his heart was beating really fast and they were wondering if he was doing anything to make it race like that. But he didnt do anything. He is fidgety all the time and can never hold still for too long, so that maybe played a part in it. Anyway, they upped the dosage on the pill that keeps his heart rate down and added another prescription to 2 he already had to take. I cant remember what that one does. In 3 months, he has to go back and have another check up. I will keep you all posted.
