Thursday, December 11, 2008

Today me and Ashley took christmas pics of our kids together and some turned out so cute! sorry some of them are sideways, my camera won't keep them rotated but Ashleys did! i cant figure it out! anyway, here they are:

So happy!

Brooke and her buddy Jaydan

Brooke and her Ernie! ( she loves him! Weird!)

Cute! She was actually cooperating!

Brooke and Madyson!

"Jaydan, What are you doing?"

couldn't get them to smile at the same time!

Trying not to fight over it! You could tell they wanted to!

how sweet!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thank You Great Gramma!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Pics!

These are some pictures that Jose and i took. Brooke was being very good! She kept moving moving around so some may be a little blurry.

She loves the ornaments!


Crooked smile...

Brooke and Tilo...

My baby is turning 2!

Wow. Brooke is turning 2. I am so excited, yet so sad. She is getting so big and more independent by the day. She always wants to do things by herself and rarely asks for help. I practically have to beg her to let me help her! Things do take longer with her doing it herself, but i try to be patient and leave her be. She is learning how to dress herself now. She can get her pants on by herself, but her diaper is too big so i have to help pull up the back! She can almost put her shirt on, but she always ends up putting her arms through the neck hole! She will get the hang of it soon. She has been putting on her own shoes for almost a year now! She loves shoes! and now she is getting into wearing hats! She has lots of both, so it will keep her occupied for awhile! Usually when you go into a store with a kid they want to play with something. well i just head straight to the shoe section and hand her a pair of shoes to put on! it keeps her occupied until its time to go! She is so funny! And she knows that we think she's silly, so she acts silly all the time! Last week, she looked at me and said," I kiss you mommy?" I said," yea you can kiss me." so I leaned in and she LICKED me! She started laughing cuz I was saying "EEWW!" and she kept laughing and said, "I yicked you mommy!" I busted up laughing and told her to go show her dad! She did! It caught him off guard and he was laughing so hard! She is so amazing! She cracks me up with her little evil smile that she does. It is hard for me to be serious when after shes done something she shouldn't have, she gives me that smile! Anyway, here are her 2 year pics. Jose came over and took some of her and i took some with my camera. Between the 2 of us, I think we got some pretty cute pictures!

Wondering when it's going to end...

She looks so grown up in this picture!

Brooke and Tilo--Jose's puppy
