Saturday, December 20, 2008

Our 5th Year Anniversary!

Wow! we have been married for 5 years now! It really doesn't seem like that long. It has been a good 5 years. We have had our ups and downs, and recently, our wedding vows have put us to the test! Richer or poorer, better or worse , in sickness and health. Every one of them has been tested! But we are NOT giving in! We have alot of fun together, and love to drive each other crazy! There are even days that we argue about stupid stuff until we are laughing about it!

For our Anniversary, Carol and my mom paid for us to go out to dinner at a place called The Roof Restaurant. It was on the 10th floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was a beautiful view of the temple and of the city. The food was very good! They had alot of different things to choose from because it was a buffet. I tried some new foods, and some desserts too! They had a ton of different desserts to choose from! Even though it was very good food, I dont think it was worth the 80 dollars. We couldnt eat our moneys worth and we tried! We were so stuffed! After dinner, we went to the movies because we had movie passes. We saw "Yes Man!"
with Jim Carrey. It was pretty funny! I am a Jim Carrey fan anyway, but Kenny liked it too. When we came home, we drank some of the champaigne that my mom bought us for our wedding! 5 year old champaigne is very strong! All in all, it was a very good day! Her are some pics from it!

This was the view we had at the restaurant.

We had someone take our picture...

Our light up plastic wine glasses!

Being Goofy!


Well on a visit to this specialist doctor they call the "Electrician", we found out that kenny has 2 problems with his heart. One is called Superventriculartacchicardia (SVT), which is pretty much a short circuit to his heart and the other problem is called Atrial Fibrillation (AF),which is different than a short circuit. It pretty much is like a confused circuit thats all over the place. So together they are doing 2 different things at all different times. It turns out that AF is actually caused by SVT and is much harder to fix. He will have to go in for a Cardiac Ablation, which is where they will go in through his thigh AND his neck to cauderize the nerves that makes his heart pump blood through the body. There is a slight chance of major complications or death and a 70-90 percent chance that it will work the first time. Some people have to go in for a repeat procedure because it doesn't work the first time. So after the appointment, I took Kenny to work. He called me 20 minutes later and told me to come pick him up because he got fired. Lovely. He loses his insurance at the end of December, so now they have to postpone his surgery til God knows when.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thank You Lehmans!

With the Target gift card that aunt Laura and her family sent to Brooke, we got her a sled! We have a hill in the backyard and we had wanted to get her one, so it was the perfect opportunity! She had so much fun! Thank You guys very much!

Brookes new snow sled from Aunt Laura, Uncle Jason, Nathan and Emma!


Always has to do it by herself!

She looks so warm!

Look at how fat her legs look! She was wearing Sweatpants, snowpants, 2 pairs of socks, boots, 2 hats, sweatshirt, coat and the hat on the coat plus 2 pairs of mittens!

She loves to swing!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Brooke!

Brooke's Birthday was a blast! On the night before her birthday, me and my friend Shilah blew up about 80 balloons! they pretty much filled our living room! So the next morning when Brooke woke up, me and kenny Grabbed as many balloons as we could and went into her room and threw them up in the air and yelled Happy Birthday! She was so excited! We picked them up and put them all in her crib with her and she jumped and jumped! When we got her out, she immedieately went to play with her dollhouse! ( Which we let her open the night before) She loves her dollhouse! Her birthday party was at 4:00 that afternoon, at kenny's cousin's house (Because it is a HUGE house and there was going to be over 50 people!) so we went and got the cake from Kennys work and went to pick up Grammy and the kids. I was going to have balloons blown up at Party America, but stupid Zurchers bought them out and Party City too! So there are no party stores open on sunday anymore! I was very angry! So we didnt have any decorations for her party! Anyway, When we got to her party, Ashley and Kamrin were the first ones there, and Everyone else was late! I was starting to think that noone was coming! We did cake first and Brooke was being shy. She didnt know what to think about everone singing to her! It was cute! After cake, we opened presents! She got lots of awesome things! Thank you Everybody! Brooke had a blast with all the kids that were there! Her and Jaydan were chasing each other, and the cutest thing was when her cousin Shyla got there, she was so excited! Jaydan was standing next to her and Brooke said, "Shy this Jay Jay!" and she patted him on the back! it was so cute to see her introduce them!

This is the dollhouse that we got brooke for her birthday. It has all the furniture and lots of people!

Playing in all the balloons!

Sitting on one. She thought this was hilarious!

She said her baby wanted to play too!

Pretty balloons!

Brooke and her "tinker cake" as she calls it!

This is what it looked like. tinkerbell was flying over a waterfall...

Sitting and drinking out of a big girl cup!

She wasnt too sure about all the singing!

She was afraid to blow out the candles! Dad had to help!

Eating her cake!

She loved her cake!

Brooke and Jaydan... She was so excited to see him! When he walked in the door she screamed and started laughing so hard! Then she ran to give him a hug and played with him the whole time!

Scoping out the presents...

A baby doll from uncle william! She carried it around the rest of the night!

Whats in there?

Opening another one!

A van to go with her dollhouse and people!

Brooke wanted so badly to dig into the cake, so when everyone went home, we let her sit on the counter and help herself! She isnt the type of kid that likes to be dirty, so she was trying her hardest to not get it on herself. She was using one finger and dipping it in the icing! So cute!

My favorite picture! Shes so cute!

She didnt get very much on her face!
