Thursday, May 14, 2009

Update on Kenny!!

Kenny had a Doctor appt on wednesday for his heart. The doctor was going to take him off a medicine and cut another one down to a lesser amount. He listened to Kennys heart and decided to get an EKG to make sure he was hearing it right. He got the EKG and it turns out that his heart is out of rhythm again. The procedure that fixed the SVT (Superventricular tacchicardia)had worked but didnt keep the atrial fibrillation in rhythm. So he has to wait for the doctor to get back in town to make an appt with him. They may have to do another ablation or just do another cardioversion (shock his heart). We wont know for another week or 2. Is everything going to go back to normal soon or is this the kind of life we will live for the rest of it? Its aggravating. Every time we think it might be ok, something else is thrown at us. Its getting harder to be strong and not lose my mind and not have a complete meltdown. I just have to look at Brooke's little face and remember why its important to be strong and to hang on. Its a good thing we have her!
